How’s this for the unexpected?
Rebel Daughter was named a finalist for The Christy, awarded by the Evangelical Christian Publishers’ Association for the best Christian fiction in the same week that the Jewish Book Council posted a wonderful review (read here).
“Carefully researched and well-crafted narrative… Highly recommended story”
“All the makings of an action movie”
“Scintillating new summer read….a thrilling saga of family, faith and forbidden love.”
America-Israel Friendship League
"A raw, edgy, beautiful story of the power and strength of a woman and the changing choices one must make to survive. Filled with historical accuracy and emotional storytelling, this book is one readers should quickly add to their reading list.”
“Meticulous research and vivid writing,”
“...Compelling tale of family, love and resilience."
“A vivid tableau of ….life in 1st-century Judea.”
Association of Jewish Libraries, News and Reviews (May/June 2021)
The Jerusalem Post: “Story of a Roman Freedman and a Jewish Girl explored in New Book”
Times of Israel: “Inspired by an ancient tomb, a Jewish love story puts the Roman in bildungsroman”
Jewish Book Council: “A Two-Thousand-Year-Old Love Story: The Inspiration for Rebel Daughter”
Publishers Weekly: New and Forthcoming Titles on Women, Girls and Empowerment
The Jerusalem Report: An Intriguing Epitaph
Bookishly Jewish: Book Review
Jewish Books : Q&A with Lori Banov Kaufmann
Book Riot: Get Cozy with these Winter 2021 YA Books
Princeton Alumni Weekly: New Books By Princeton Alumni
Literary Modiin February Author Event Zoom recording
American Jewish Library Blog: “Review for the Sydney Taylor Schmooze”
Shepherd “The Best Jewish Books You’ll Ever Read”
Blaze Debut Spotlight: Youtube link
BossMaidel Podcast: Rebel Daughter
Historical Fiction Unpacked Podcast : “Surviving the Historic Destruction of Jerusalem”
Heath Interview: Youtube link
National Coalition of Girls’ Schools: Named a Recommended Book in February 2021
Meredith Mara: Most Anticipated February YA Books
Campaign for the American Reader
Most Anticipated 2021 Releases
Named a 2021-2022 Jewish Women’s Archive Book Club Selection!
Watch Now
Well-renowned Jewish educator Rachel Kamin moderates a recent event with 4 Chicago synagogues!
Available for book events!
I’d love to zoom in to your book club, church or synagogue! Please send me a note through the contact form
Selected Upcoming Event
March 14, 2023 Washington Hebrew Congregation
June 4, 2023 Congregation B’nai Zion (El Paso, TX)
Past Events (partial listing!)
National Library of Israel - The 2,000 Year-old story of a Woman who Survived the Destruction of Jerusalem
Women’s League’s Reads (Women for Conservative Judaism) January 2023
Jewish Women’s International - Virtual Leadership Lunch: How to Write a Book and Get Published (at any age!) June 22, 2021
Theater J (Expanding the Canon with Playwrights) Dec. 2022
Takoma Park Radio Show (Washington, DC) - chosen as “Epic of the Year”
Synagogues Washington Hebrew Congregation (Washington, DC), Temple Beth Sholom (Flushing, NY), Congregation Beth Shalom (Lawrence, NY), Temple Emanuel (Greensboro NC), Congregation Beth Sholom (Teaneck,NJ), Congregation L'Dor V’Dor (Little Neck, NY), Temple Emeth B’Yachad , Teaneck, NJ, Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley in Woodcliff Lake, NJ, Temple Israel, Tulsa, Oklahoma, North Suburban Synagogue Beth El, Highland Park, Illinois, Synagogue Emanu-El, Charleston, SC, Rye Community Synagogue, Hillcrest Jewish Center (Jamaica Estates, NY), Israel Center for Conservative Judaism (Flushing, NY), Temple Sinai (Roslyn, NY), Temple Israel (White Plains, NY),
Churches The Christy Award Winner’s Gala, Evangelical Christian Publishers’ Association (named a FINALIST)
Organizations National Women’s Philanthropy - Jewish Federations of North America, Women for Conservative Judaism, Friends of Soroka Hospital fundraiser, Princeton University Alumni Book Club, Marion and Aaron Gural JCC, Cedarhurst, NY, Jewish Book Festival (The Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, Florida), JCC of Central New Jersey, Port Washington Jewish Center, NY, Mid-West Region and Canada Na’amat (cooking demo of 1st-century dishes), Hadassah Regional Book Club Annapolis, MD, JCC Metro-West , NJ, National Council of Jewish Women, Bergen County, Ft. Lauderdale JCC, Miami JCC, Boca Raton JCC, North Miami Beach JCC, Na’amat Midwest Region, Sinai Reads (Roslyn, NY), Hebrew Union College, North Shore JCC (Staten Island, NY),
Book Clubs Ra’anana, Rehovot, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv , Boston AIFL Parlor Meeting, Washington DC, Queens NY, Manhattan, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Atlanta, Charlotte, Indianapolis, Denver, Seattle, Savannah, Mesa, Colorado Springs, Kansas City, Princeton, Memphis, Charleston, Tampa, Boca Raton, Palm Springs, Seattle, Chicago

Hebrew Union College
Author Lori Banov Kaufmann transports us to an unlikely love story set against the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE.
The Jewish Federations of North America
This was a wonderful Zoom call with hundreds of women from all over the country. The event was hosted by the National Women’s Philanthropy under the auspices of their Shared Shelf Book Series.
Time travel with the America-Israel Friendship League through the lens of Rebel Daughter !
Excited to see the Czech edition of Rebel Daughter!
Sept. 26 Book Talk Mid-West Region
Let’s organize a cooking demo/book club!
A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection
Live Interview
Thanks to Renee's Reading Club for inviting me to my first FB live event. After an admittedly rocky start (I couldn't figure out how to see the questions and comments), it was fun! I loved having the opportunity to engage with such a wonderful community of passionate readers. I had the opportunity to talk about Rebel Daughter, how I got the idea for the book, my research process, what I love to read and more!